How to know your trueself

 How to know your trueself | Understanding the path of spirituality | Journey of a soul | How to escape from the clutches of maya

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How to know your trueself



GOD has given freedom of thoughts to every living being. He has given free will to every jeeva. He never interferes in the decisions taken by jeeva for himself. He always opens two doors before us to make us choose the right one. He always gives us options and choices. It’s upto us what we choose for ourselves diligently. There is always two ways infront of us. One goes to the material world and other goes to the Godhead,  we have to make a choice which way we want to go. In every lifetime we choose the way of material world , that’s what we have been doing till now since our first birth and now we don’t know how many times we have been through birth and death. Once we got trapped in this web of Maya , once we get stuck in the marsh of this illusionary world of material life it is very difficult to break free from the clutches of maya. Hari is waiting for us holding a rope of liberation to rescue us but our eyes are blindfolded by illusion and we can’t find our way to escape from here. Maya is so strong that it keeps tempting the living beings and creating a web of confusion in the minds of jeevas i.e living beings. If due to past life virtues and good karma living being decides to choose God somehow, he gets to know the truth , maya tries her best to hold him back and make him step down from the staircase to Godhead. This world is actually Dukhalaya means house of sorrow.That is why it is called Mrityulok i.e world of death. As nothing is eternal in this world except God. Whatever has come will go. Whoever has taken birth will die. And no one can take a penny from here except his karmas , unfulfilled desires, grudges etc called sanskars which led a jeeva or soul to take birth again and again. Every jeeva is karma bound and he doesn’t know that. He thinks someone else or may be God is responsible for his sufferings. But it is jeeva himself who takes birth again according to his karmas. If karmas were good gets a good life if bad gets sufferings and it continues like that million times as long as karmas are due. He never manages to cut off or set off those karmas as he doesn’t know how to do that. Karma is like a seed sown in the field. When you sow a seed it turns into a big tree with countless leaves, flowers, fruits, stem, branches, and more seeds. That’s how karma works both for good and bad karma. Once you perform a karma comes back many times or multiple times over. That’s why Krishna has said in Bhagawad Geeta to do ( nishkama karm) selfless acts means actions without any expectation of result. Even good deeds are also binding because you will have to take birth again to enjoy the fruits of your good deeds and you will have to take birth again to suffer the consequences of your bad deeds. So both the cases are not helpful for a devotee or someone who wants liberation from all this mess or wants to gets rescued in this lifetime itself as no one knows about the next lifetime. So to do that we have to detach ouerselves from everything which tends to bind us. 


Understanding the path of spirituality


So being a true devotee you just surrender your deeds to God. He knows everything and He knows better than us. His plans are magical. You just understand that nothing is yours in the first place. We all came empty handed and will go empty handed. We have been provided with all the resources by God and nature to use it and not to own it. As we go to some hotel and take a room on rent but we just use that room for a day or two or more as per your requirement. But one day we have to leave that room. We can never own that room. Likewise consider this world as that hotel of God where you are using and enjoying all the amenities provided by Him and one day you have to leave this hotel without owning anything from the hotel. You just leave with your baggage you brought with you. Those baggages are our karmas , sanskaras , memories, desires and so on. Likewise we as a souls have been given this body as a room on rent and when our time or lease period is over or then we have to leave this body . But we have attached ourselves to this body so much that when we have to leave this we feel so much pain. When we live in a room do we consider ourselves as room? The answer is No. We are the one who are living , we are tenants. We are different from the room. So why do we consider ourselves as body. We are just tenants living in the body. We are separate from our bodies. We get so much attached to it that we start considering ourselves as bodies and forget the fact that we really are souls in reality. The same way we get attached to this material world and the material things and material belongings so much that we feel so pain while leaving them behind. That is why in Bhagavad Gita it is said to see things as an observer in sakshi bhav or drishta bhav or as an audience. 


Body is just like a costume worn by a soul to perform its goal. Like an actor wears a costume and plays a character on the stage while performing his /her role , But an actor never gets attached to the character he/she is playing or to the costume he /she is wearing for the role. He/she instantly switch over to their original form once the drama is over , because they know that , that particular character they are playing are not them . They are different from those characters. they could do so as they know its just a drama, a role, a costume. At that time they are seeing the characters as an observer and an audience . Those characters are not real. Likewise we have to understand that all this is happening in this world is not real. Every person is playing a character according to his/her unfulfilled desires , revenge , regrets , dreams , grudges and so on , and this series will continue like this untill and unless they come to know the reality. Untill they come to see everything as an observer , without getting attached. This attachment is the root cause of our greed , anger and never satisfying desires . At the last moment of our lives we are never satisfied. if someone asks then if you have achieved everything you wanted to achieve , if you are happy and contented , He/she will never say ‘Yes’. There is always something which is lacking in everyone’s life and to fulfill those left desires, dreams , revenge people keep coming on this stage of life changing different costumes .


They are unable to do so in one lifetime as their lifespan is too short. In one lifetime they are able to achieve only few things and their life ends. Also they have to bear with their karmas . Sometimes they have to enjoy the fruits of their good deeds and sometimes they have to bear the consequences of their bad deeds. The baggage of karmas , desires , attachments and sanskars they have been bearing on their backs from numerous lifetimes have to be settled in every lifetime as it is not possble to set it off due to our short lifespan .


The journey of every soul is different from the other. Though soul is a part and parcel of God. Though the origin the substance of every soul is same but when that soul comes in contact with chitt – Buddhi – Ahankar ( Mind – intellect – ego ( “I” ) it becomes malicious. As soon as it comes in contact with three powerful Sattvagun , Rajogun and Tamogun it becomes impure and called jeevatma (Jeev + Aatma ). That jeev contains the baggage of all lifetimes innumerable karmas, memories, sanskaras , attachments , desires etc and can’t get liberation until and unless it sheds off or empties all its baggage. The Bhagavad Gita explains that the world is made up of two entities: the material (prakriti) and the spiritual (purusha). The three gunas are qualities of matter, and everything in nature displays these qualities in different proportions. No one in this material world can remain unaffected by these gunas or qualities of nature. One becomes bound by nature and its gunas. One can remain unaffected by material world by taking shelter of Spiritual i.e God ( Purush ).


This Prakriti ( mother nature ) or material world is known as maya. Jiva gets caught in the clutches of maya once it comes in contact with this material world by being born. This world is like a mirage. Whatever seems to be true here is false and whatever might seem to appear false or non existent might be true. So to understand this world one needs to take support and shelter of the Lord and creator of this maya ( illusionary world) . 


Just chant Krishna naam or Ram naam or any name you have faith in as I only know this Ram naam or Krishna nama remedy. Concentrate on His name and your breaths. Chant with positive vibes. Leave everything to God. When you surrender your problems to Him it becomes His responsibility to take care of that. If something is really meant for you , you will definitely find a way to get that. You just leave it to God. Pray to Him earnestly. If it’s in your fate it will come back to you. Otherwise He will show you some other way to fulfill your religious plans. So pray to Krishna, God . He will send you help. He will definitely turn the situation in your favour as He did for Arjuna. 



Hare Krishna






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