Hari om tat sat mantra meaning and benefits

Hari Om Tat Sat Mantra meaning and benefits| Hari om tat sat mantra gives liberation | hari om tat sat mantra for salvation | hari om tat sat mantra frees you from the repeated cycle of birth and death| Hari om tat sat with meaning in English| Mantra which gives you moksha | All auspiciousness is yours by listening or chanting to this mantra

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Hari om tat sat mantra meaning and benefits



“Hari” means one who attracts ! one who pulls you towards him.

“Om” is the eternal sound-pranava. Hari om is a sacred form of address which is used by hindu monks and devoteees alike.

“Tat” (that ,thou) means inexplicable almighty ! inexplicable brahm ! supreme power! 

“Sat” means truth ! satya.

In simple words, ” hari om tat sat” means – Lord Hari, who is that supreme truth. 

“Om Tat Sat” – There is immense power hidden in these three words. These words express the essence of Hinduism. The first word in this is “Aum”. From the point of view of pronunciation, its sound is called the original sound. This sound is eternal. It is said that all the Vedas merge into Gayatri Mantra and Gayatri itself into ” Om ” . This is probably the reason why all Vedic verses begin with ” Om “.





At the root of every creation is “Om Tat Sat”. It also means that God is the bearer of life force and life force is present in the whole universe. “Om” signifies the Almighty. The literal meaning of  “Tat” is that. The meaning of “Sat” is eternal. It is the symbol of the ultimate truth.


All the three words have been used for the supreme or almighty since the beginning of civilization. These three words were used while chanting Veda mantras. They were also chanted when something was offered to the God. Sages and sages have seen the word “Om” in a spiritual sense. Before every religious ritual, he has been pronouncing Om as if this word is a ray of light in the darkness. The meaning of the word “Tat” is that Brahman, which is bright. He who is beyond the three worlds and whose existence is even before the origin of the universe. “Tat” reflects a form of the same. As soon as any fruit is obtained from sacrifice, charity and penance, sages and sages pronounce “Tat ” , so that the fruit can be received by Brahma. In other words, it can be said that the word “Tat” reflects the feeling of not considering anything as one’s own. Whatever begins with Om ends with Tat.


The utterance of “Sat” destroys all unreal things and establishes only one supreme power beyond time. According to this belief, everything visible in the world is unreal and powerless. Self-knowledge is the recognition of the right power. Even when one meditates, he chants “Om”. Vibration is generated in the pronunciation of “Om”. “Tat” is like light in the posture of meditation. It is a symbol of consciousness towards God. Truth is like a blessing, which is felt in a deep posture of meditation. “Sat” is the creator. “Tat” is creation and that which is being created is “Om”. The whole universe originated from “Om”. The universe has the support of “Om” and this universe will again be found in “Om” only. “Om” is the expression of that reality which has no shape, no form and which is beyond illusion.


“Om tat” is the sat-beej mantra. “Om” is the three-tier name of Sat Brahma. In ancient times, the person, the Vedas and service were originated from Brahma and by Brahma. That is why while there is a provision to start the work for offering or for charity, the various rituals performed for salvation are started with the chanting of “tatt”. While doing this, there is a feeling in the mind that Brahman is everything.There is no feeling of any kind of fruit in the mind of those who worship God. In the Mahabharata, Lord Krishna says to the skeptical archer Arjuna- Arjuna, belief in sacrifice, benevolence and restraint is the truth. Keeping the Almighty in mind, every service done selflessly is true. If you don’t do what you’re doing with confidence, that’s untrue. Even if you have made sacrifices or charity.


OM consists of three letters अ, ऊ and म। ऊ= prakriti, म= jeevas, the “I”ness inside every living bodies and अ= paramaatmaa, the primeval tatva, Narayana. Just like each and every letter has “अ” in it (for example क्+अ=क) and अ is the base of all the letters, paramaatmaa is present inside each and every atoms of prakriti and inside each and every aatmaa and he is the one who spreads the prakriti mandala and gives the sthula body and sense to the jeevas who were sleeping inside him with ati sukshma sarira and almost like insentient and paramaatmaa is the base of everyone and everything. Thus, ॐ represents the body of Lord Narayana and also the three eternal entities i.e Parkriti, Purusha (if used as common noun represents jeeva) and Paramaatmaa


Hari OM Tat Sat= Lord Narayana is the absolute truth (whose swarupa never changes) and also jeevas and prakriti being his own body too are the truths (although their states change but they exist eternally).


Lord Narayana is the absolute truth and the karmas we do are commands of Lord Narayana who is Veda purusha himself and whatever mentioned in Vedas are his own words. Lord Narayana is the witness of all the karmas, the ultimate enjoyer of all the karmas and the one who bestows the fruits of all the karmas.



Hari om tat sat mantra a salvation mantra




It can also be understood as:

” Hari ” =Narayana who takes away the sins of all the jeevas who surrender to his feet.

” OM ” = can be interpreted in many ways. Pranava (ॐ) represents the paramaatmaa who has all the sentient (purushas/jeevas) and insentient beings (prakriti) as his body parts.

” Tat ” = that

” Sat ” = True


Hari Is Narayana who is the absolute truth

Omkar is mantra Brahman

Tat is Para Brahman

Sat is Purna Brahman

In satya yuga the Brahmins used to chant Om Tat Sat to perform fire sacrifice or yagnya. In Yajur Veda it says Narayana para Brahma tatvam Narayana para ha means Narayana is the absolute truth and all the fire sacrifices and yagnya ultimate goal is to satisfy Narayana. So Lord Hari is Om Tat Sat and he is the mantra Brahman, para Brahman and purna Brahman.



hari om tat sat mantra frees you from the repeated cycle of birth and death



” HARI ” Means the apparent universe (as a whole) ” OM “the invisible sphere/realm, “TAT SAT” means “the ultimate reality.

” HARI OM TAT SAT ” is a mantra for salvation . It is said to give you moksha i.e. to free you from the repeated cycle of birth and death.



Hari om tat sat mantra meaning



ऊं Om= It is discussed elaborately in Veds, being the primal sound of the universe. Just as cows are fruitless without a bull so are vedic mantra without om. Om signifies God.. This word is broken into or is made up of 1.अ 2.उ 3.म 4.ं अर्द्ध मात्रा.

“अ” stands for Balram son of Rohini, waking or “jaagrit state”.

“उ” for, Pradhyumna, dream or “svapan avastha”

“म” for Aniruddh, the “sushupti state”

” .ं अर्द्ध मात्रा” is Krshn, the complete roop of om, the “turia state”.


Thus the word “om” means omnipotence.

“tat” = that

“sat”= which cannot be destroyed. (2.16 Gita)



hari om tat sat mantra



The full “hari om tat sat” should be construed to convey the aspects of God. (see Gita 17.23–27 and gopal uttar tapni upnishad.) We chant it before any auspicious work like yagya. It gives liberation.


This amazing mantra is a prayer to the living God, asking freedom and protection from all suffering and sorrow. This healing mantra represents the supreme soul Parabramha”, that which is beyond all descriptions and conceptualizations.


Whenever you recite a mantra even without knowing the meaning of it, that itself carries power. But when you know the meaning and recite with that feeling in your heart then the energy would flow million times more powerful. Hence, it is important to know the meaning of the prayer when you use it.


This soothing mantra has given great joy and peace to people all over the world, who have recited (loud or mentally) or even listened to the mantra.


Furthermore, it has the power to shift one mind to the state of causeless love and limitless joy. The calmness state that the mantra can give is to be experienced, by the practitioner. Also, this mantra is the key with which any door to spiritual treasure could be opened. It is a powerful spiritual instrument which can be used to achieve all desires. A medicine which cures all ills and diseases.



Benefits of chanting hari om tat sat mantra



All these truths are represented in this Vedic mantra.

” Hari Om Tat Sat ” meaning on syllable:

“Hari ” Omnipresent sky capable of burning anything, omnipotent and omnipresent healing energy. Its an aspect of Vishnu Narayan. So this syllable represents the Supreme Godhead „Narayan”.

“Om” is the primordial sound.

“Tat” represents the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient , Parabramha , Parameswar”.

“Sat” represents the PARABRAHMA is beyond untruth and truth.


These sacred syllables of this mantra were integral to religious and material goodness and spiritual pursuit in Vedic age. All auspiciousness and serenity is yours simply by listening or chanting to this magnificent mantra.



Hari Om Tat sat Mantra benefits


*Hari om tat sat mantra is for salvation .

*It is said to give you moksha i.e. to free you from the repeated cycle of birth and death.

*All auspiciousness and serenity is yours simply by listening or chanting to this magnificent mantra.

*This soothing mantra has given great joy and peace to people all over the world, who have recited (loud or mentally) or even listened to the mantra.

*Furthermore, it has the power to shift one mind to the state of causeless love and limitless joy.

*The calmness state that the mantra can give is to be experienced, by the practitioner.

*This mantra is the key with which any door to spiritual treasure could be opened.

*It is a powerful spiritual instrument which can be used to achieve all desires.

*A medicine which cures all ills and diseases.




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