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Krishnashtakam-Vasudev Sutam Devam
The Shri Krishna Ashtakam is one of the popular hymns on Lord Krishna, which is composed of simple lyrics yet with beautiful meaning and explains several aspects related to Lord Krishna. Starting with the lyrics, ‘Vasudeva Sutam devam’, this Sri Krishna Ashtakam is a hymn of 8 stanzas and each one ending with the verse ‘krishnam vande jagadgurum’ signifying that Lord Krishna is the greatest guru of the world. Also, this ashtakam explains the divine qualities, stories, and appearance of Lord Krishna in a simple way. The Phalastuti or the last stanza explains the benefits of reading this divine hymn. This Krishna Ashtakam is believed to be composed by Adi Guru shankaracharya.

Krishnashtakam-Vasudev Sutam Devam
Vasudev sutam devam kansa chanoor mardanam
Devaki paramanandam krishnam vande jagadgurum. 1
वसुदेव सुतं देवं कंस चाणूर मर्दनम्
देवकी परमानन्दं कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् || १ ||
One who is the son of Vasudeva, who was the cause of mother Devaki’s immense happiness, and the one who killed the wicked Kansa and Chanoor, and who is the supreme teacher i.e the teacher of the universe, I bow to you O Lord Krishna. 1
Aatasipushpa sankaasham haar noopur shobhitam
Ratna kankan keyuram krisham vande jagadgurum.2
अतसी पुष्प संकाशम् हार नूपुर शोभितम्
रत्न कंकण केयूरं कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् || २ ||
The one who looks great with Aatasi flowers (blue flax flowers), who shines resplendent with the jewels like necklaces,garlands and anklets.Who wears a bracelet (like Kankan) made with precious gems, I bow to you Lord Krishna, the teacher of the world.2
Kutilalak sanyukthampoorna chandra-nibhananam
Vilsatkundal-dharam krisham vande jagadgurum.3
कुटिलालक संयुक्तं पूर्ण चंद्र निभाननम्
विलसत्कुण्डलधरं कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् || ३ ||
The one with the curly hair, whose face looks like the full moon,Who is adorned with great looking earrings, I bow to you, Lord Krishna, the Guru of the world.3
Mandaar gandh sanyuktam chaaru hasam chatur bhujam
Barhi pinchava choodangam krisham vande jagadgurum.4
मंदार गन्ध संयुक्तं चारुहासं चतुर्भुजम्
बर्हि पिञ्छाव चूडाङ्गं कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् || ४ ||
The one who has fragrance of of Mandara flowers, with a gentle smile and four hands Wearing the peacock feather on his head, I bow to you O lord Krishna, the guru of the world.4
Krishnashtakam-Vasudev Sutam Devam
Krishnashtakam-Vasudev Sutam Devam
Utphulla padma patraksham Neel jeemoot sannibham
Yadavaanaam shiro-ratnam krisham vande jagadgurum.5
उत्फुल्ल पद्म पत्राक्षं नील जीमूत सन्निभम्
यादवानां शिरोरत्नं कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् || ५ ||
The one whose eyes look like bloomed lotus petals, whose body resembles the dark blue clouds Who is the crest gem (greatest one) among the Yadava clan, Lord Krishna, I bow to you, the guru of the world.5
Rukminikeli sanyuktam peetambar sushobhitam
Avaapta tulsi gandham krisham vande jagadgurum.6
रुक्मिणी केळि संयुक्तं पीतांबर सुशोभितम्
अवाप्त तुलसी गन्धं कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् || ६ ||
The Lord who is engaged in playing with Rukmini, adorned and resplendent with peetambaras(silk garments woven with gold) Who gets attracted to the scent of Tulsi(basil) . I bow to you, Lord Krishna, Guru of the World.6
Gopikaanaam kuch dwandwa kumkumankit vakshasam
Sri niketam maheshvasam krisham vande jagadgurum.7
गोपिकानां कुचद्वन्द्व कुंकुमाङ्कित वक्षसम्
श्री निकेतं महेष्वासं कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् || ७ ||
One who is embraced with the Gopikas by which whose body is smeared the Kumkum (vermilion)The Lord in whom the Lakshmi resides, the one who has a big bow, O Krishna, I bow to you, the guru of the world.7
Srivatsankam mahoraskam vanamala virajitam
Sankhachakra-dharam devam krisham vande jagadgurum.8
श्रीवत्साङ्कं महोरस्कं वनमाला विराजितम्
शंख चक्र धरं देवं कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् || ८ ||
Having the marks of Sri Vatsa (mark of devi Lakshmi), Who gristly enjoys (in himself), looking great with the garlands of flowers. O Lord Krishna! holding the conch and a discus, I bow to you, the Guru of the world.

Phalastuti – Benefits of this Hymn
Krishnashtam idam punyam prataruthaya yah pateth
Kotijanm krutam papam smaranena vinashyati
कृष्णाष्टकमिदं पुण्यं प्रातरुत्थाय यः पठेत् |
कोटि जन्म कृतं पापं स्मरणेन विनष्यति ||
The one who recites this Krishna ashtakam early in the mornings will get immense Punya
And the sins done in his previous births will also be destroyed by reciting (understanding the meaning).
Iti sri Krishnashtakam sampoornam
Krishnashtakam-Vasudev Sutam Devam
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