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|| Baal-Kaandam ||
The Chapter on Childhood
Shuddh-Brahm-Paraatpar Ram ||1||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who is (the embodiment of) pure Brahman and who is Superior to the Best. 1
Kaal-Aatmak-Parameshvar Ram ||2||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who is of the nature of Kaal (i.e. Master of everyone’s Destiny) and the Supreme Lord (Parmeshwar). 2
Shesh-Talp-Sukh-Nidrit Ram ||3||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who sleeps blissfully on the bed of serpent Shesh Naag (as Lord Vishnu).3
Brahmaadya-Amar-Praarthit Ram ||4||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was requested by the Devas starting with Brahma (to incarnate as the son of king Dashrath for eliminating Ravan). 4
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Chandd-Kiran-Kul-Manddan Ram ||5||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who adorned the dynasty of Sun. (Surya Vansh).5
Shrimad-Dashrath-Nandan Ram ||6||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was the illustrious son of King Dashrath.6
Kaushalya-Sukh-Vardhan Ram ||7||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who brought great joy to Kaushalya.7
Vishvaamitra-Priy-Dhan Ram ||8||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was dear to Sage Vishwamitra like a great treasure.8
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Ghor-Taattkaa-Ghaatak Ram ||9||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, who was the slayer of the terrible demoness Tataka.9
Maarich-adi-Nipaatak Ram ||10||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who brought the downfall of demon Mareech and others.10
Kaushik-Makh-Sanrakshak Ram ||11||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was the protector of the yagya of sage Vishwamitra.11
Shrimad-Ahalya-Uddhaarak Ram ||12||
I take Refuge in Shri Ram, Who provided salvation to the Venerable Ahalya.12
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Gautam-Muni-Sampoojit Ram ||13||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was greatly honoured by Sage Gautam.13
Sur-Muni-Var-Gann-Sanstut Ram ||14||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was praised by the Devas and the best of Sages.14
Naavik-Dhaavit-Mridu-Pad Ram ||15||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Whose gentle feet were washed by the boatman.15
Mithilaa-Pur-Jan-Mohak Ram ||16||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who enchanted the people of mithila.16
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Videh-Maan-Sa-Ranjak Ram ||17||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who enhanced the honour of King Janak.17
Triyambak-Kaarmuk-Bhanjak Ram ||18||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who broke the bow of the Three-Eyed Shiva.18
Sita-Arpit-Var-Maalik Ram ||19||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, to Whom Devi Sita offered the garland during Bridegroom selection.19
Krit-Vaivaahik-Kautuk Ram ||20||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who made festive arrangements during marriage.20
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Bhaargav-Darp-Vinaashak Ram ||21||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was the destroyer of the proud of Sri Parashuram.21
Shrimad-Ayodhyaa-Paalak Ram ||22||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was the illustrious King of Ayodhya.22
Shuddha Brahma Paraatpara Ram:Naam Ramayan
|| Ayodhya-Kaannddam ||
The Chapter on Ayodhya
Agannit-Gunn-Gann-Bhooshit Ram ||23||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was adorned with innumerable virtues.23
Avani-Tanaya-Kaamit Ram ||24||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was desired by the daughter of the Earth (i.e. Devi Sita).24
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Raakaa-Chandra-Sam-Aanan Ram ||25||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Whose face is like the full Moon.25
Pitra-Vaakya-Aashrita-Kaanan Ram ||26||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who went to the forest following the words of His father.26
Priya-Guh-Vi-Nivedit-Pad Ram ||27||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, to Whose feet jungle king (Nishaad Raaj) Guh offered himself as a dear servant.27
Tat-Kshaalit-Nij-Mridu-Pad Ram ||28||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Whose gentle feet were washed (by Guh).28
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Bharadvaaj-Mukh-Aanandak Ram ||29||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who made the face of Sage Bharadwaj shine with joy.29
Chitrakoot-Adri-Niketan Ram ||30||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who made the Chitrakoot mountain as His habitat.30
Dasharath-Santat-Chintit Ram ||31||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who continually thought of His father Dashrath during His exile in the forest.31
Kaikeyi-Tanay-Arthit Raam ||32||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was earnestly requested by Bharat, the son of Kaikeyi to return to the Kingdom.32
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Virchit-Nij-Pitra-Karmak Ram ||33||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who performed the last rites of His father.33
Bharat-Arpit-Nij-Paaduk Ram ||34||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who gave His paduka (wooden sandal) to Bharat.34
Shuddha Brahma Paraatpara Ram:Naam Ramayan
|| Aranya-Kaandam ||
The Chapter on Forest
Dandak-van-Jan-Paavan Ram ||35||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who purified the environment of the Dandak Aranya (Forest) by slaying the demons.35
Dushtt-Viraadh-Vinaashan Ram ||36||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who destroyed the wicked demon Viraadh.36
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Sharbhanga-Suteekshna-Archit Ram ||37||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was worshipped by sage Sharbhang and sage Sutheekshna.37
Agastya-Anugrah-Vardhit Ram ||38||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was full with the blessings of sage Agastya.38
Gridhra-Adhip-Sansevit Ram ||39||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was served by the king of vultures (Jatayu).39
Panchvati-Tatt-Su-Sthit Ram ||40||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who abided at the bank of the river at Panchvati.40
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Shoorpanakha-arti-Vidhaayak Ram ||41||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who enjoined the pain on Shoorpnakha for her wicked intentions.41
Khar-Dooshan-Mukh-Soodak Ram ||42||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who destroyed the face of demons Khar and Dushan from the world.42
Sita-Priya-Harin-Aanug Ram ||43||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who went after the deer wanted by Devi Sita.43
Maareech-Aarti-Krid-Aashug Ram ||44||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who inflicted pain on Maareech with His arrow for his (Maareech’s) wrong deed.44
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Vinashtt-Sita-Aveshak Ram ||45||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who searched for the lost Sita earnestly.45
Gridhra-Adhip-Gati-Daayak Ram ||46||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who gave liberation to the King of vultures (Jatayu).46
Shabri-Datt-Phal-Ashan Ram ||47||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who ate the fruit given by Shabri as an offering of devotion.47
Kabandh-Baahu-Chhedak Ram ||48||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who cut off the arms of Kabandh.48
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Shuddha Brahma Paraatpara Ram:Naam Ramayan
|| Kishkindhaa-Kaandam ||
The Chapter on Kishkindhaa, the Empire of the Monkeys
Hanumat-Sevit-Nij-Pad Ram ||49||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Whose feet were served by Hanuman.49
Nat-Sugreev-Abheeshtad Ram ||50||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who granted the wish of Sugreev who bowed to Him in surrenderance.50
Garvit-Vaali-Sanhaarak Ram ||51||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who destroyed the proud Bali, the king of monkeys.51
Vaanar-Doot-Preshak Ram ||52||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who sent a monkey as messenger (to Ravan).52
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Hitkar-Lakshmann-Sanyut Ram ||53||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was always united with Lakshman who served Him earnestly.53
Shuddha Brahma Paraatpara Ram:Naam Ramayan
|| Sundar-Kaannddam ||
The Chapter on Hanuman’s meeting with Devi Sita at Lanka
Kapi-Var-Santat-Sansmrit Ram ||54||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was continually remembered by Hanuman, the most excellent among the monkeys.54
Tad-Gati-Vighn-Dhvanshak Ram ||55||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who removed the obstacles to the movement of Hanuman.55
Sita-Praan-Aadhaarak Ram ||56||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was the support of the life of Devi Sita.56
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Dusht-Dash-Aanan-Dooshit Ram ||57||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who condemned the wicked Ten-Headed Ravan.57
Shisht-Hanumad-Bhooshit Ram ||58||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who adorned the wise and eminent Hanuman with praises.58
Sita-Vedit-Kaakaa-Van Ram ||59||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who heard the Kakasur incident from Hanuman which took place in the forest as told (to Hanuman) by Devi Sita.60
Krit-Choodamani-Darshan Ram ||60||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who saw the choodamani of Devi Sita which was brought by Hanuman.60
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Kapi-Var-Vachan-Aashvaasit Ram ||61||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was comforted by the words of Hanuman, the most excellent of monkeys.61
Shuddha Brahma Paraatpara Ram:Naam Ramayan
|| Yuddh-Kaannddam ||
The Chapter on Battle
Ravan-Nidhan-Prasthit Ram ||62||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who set out for destroying Ravan.62
Vaanar-Sainya-Samaavrit Ram ||63||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was surrounded by the army of monkeys.63
Shoshit-Sarid-Eesh-Arthit Ram ||64||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who requested the King of Ocean to give way and subsequently threatened to dry him.64
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Vibheeshan-Abhay-Daayak Ram ||65||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who gave assurance of fearlessness to Vibhishan when he took refuge.65
Parvat-Setu-Nibandhak Ram ||66||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who created a bridge across the Sea by binding rocks.66
Kumbhkarn-Shir-Chhedak Ram ||67||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who cut off the head of Kumbhakarn in the battle.67
Raakshas-Sangh-Vimardak Ram ||68||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who crushed the army of demons in the battle.69
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Ahimahiraavan-Chaaran Ram ||69||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who destroyed Ahiravan (through Hanuman) who trapped Him in Patal Lok.69
Sanhrit-Dash-Mukh-Raavan Ram ||70||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who destroyed the Ten-Faced Ravan in the battle.70
Vidhi-Bhav-Mukh-Sur-Sanstut Ram ||71||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was praised by Brahma, Shiva and other Devas.71
Kha-Sthit-Dasharath-Veekshit Ram ||72||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Whose divine deeds were seen by Dasharath from heaven.72
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Sita-Darshan-Modit Ram ||73||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was delighted seeing Devi Sita after the battle.73
Abhishikt-Vibhishan-Nat Ram ||74||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was reverentially saluted by Vibhishan who (Vibhishan) was coronated by Him.74
Pushpak-Yaan-Aarohann Ram ||75||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who ascended the Pushpak viman for returning to Ayodhya.75
Bhardvaaj-Aadi-Nishevann Ram ||76||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who visited sage Bhardwaj and other sages.76
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Bharat-Praan-Priyakar Ram ||77||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who brought joy to the life of Bharat after His return.77
Saaket-Puri-Bhooshan Ram ||78||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who adorned the city of Ayodhya after His return from Lanka.78
Sakal-Sveeya-Samaanat Ram ||79||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who treated everyone equally as His own people.79
Ratna-Lasat-Peethaa-Sthit Ram ||80||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was seated on the throne studded with shining jewels.80
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Patta-Abhishek-Alankrit Ram ||81||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was adorned with the royal crown during coronation.81
Paarthiv-Kul-Samaanit Ram ||82||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who honoured the assembly of kings during His coronation.82
Vibheeshan-Arpit-Rangak Ram ||83||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who offered the idol of Sri Rangnath to Vibhishan during the coronation ceremony.83
Keesh-Kul-Anugrah-Kar Ram ||84||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who showered His grace on the Sun dynasty.84
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Sakal-Jeev-Sanrakshak Ram ||85||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who is the guardian of all living beings.85
Samast-Lok-Aadhaarak Ram ||86||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who is the supporter of all the worlds.86
Shuddha Brahma Paraatpara Ram:Naam Ramayan
|| Uttar-Kaannddam ||
The Later Chapter
Aagat-Muni-Gan-Sanstut Ram ||87||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was praised by all the visiting sages.87
Vishrut-Dash-Kantho-Udbhav Ram ||88||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who heard the origin (i.e. the story) of the Ten-Faced (i.e. Ravan).88
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Sita-Aalingan-Nirvrit Ram ||89||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was happy in the embrace of Devi Sita.89
Neeti-Surakshit-Janpad Ram ||90||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who protected His empire by moral precepts (i.e. Dharma).90
Vipin-Tyaajit-Janak-Ja Ram ||91||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who abandoned Devi Sita ( Born of Janak ) in the forest.91
Kaarit-Lavanaasur-Vadh Ram ||92||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who caused the killing of demon Lavanasur (through brother Shatrughna).92
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Svargat-Shambuk-Sanstut Ram ||93||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was praised by Shambuk who has gone to heaven.93
Sva-Tanay-Kush-Lav-Nandit Ram ||94||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who made His own sons Lav and Kush happy.94
Ashvamedh-Kratu-Deekshit Ram ||95||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was initiated in to the sacrifice of Ashwamedh.95
Kaalaa-Vedit-Sur-Pad Ram ||96||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was made to know His divine position by Kaal when His time to depart arrived.96
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Aayodhyak-Jan-Muktid Ram ||97||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who gave liberation to the people of Ayodhya.97
Vidhi-Mukh-Vibudh-Aanandak Ram ||98||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who made the faces of Brahma and other Gods shine with joy.98
Tejomay-Nij-Roopak Ram ||99||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who assumed His own divine form shining with light during His departure.99
Sansriti-Bandh-Vimochak Ram ||100||
I take Refuge in Shri Ram, Who Releases one from the Bondage of Sansar (Worldly Attachments).100
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Dharm-Sthaapan-Tatpar Ram ||101||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who is eager to establish Dharma in the world.101
Bhakti-Paraayan-Muktid Ram ||102||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who gives liberation to one wholly devoted to Him.102
Sarv-Char-Achar-Paalak Ram ||103||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who is the guardian of all moving and non-moving beings.103
Sarv-Bhav-Aamay-Vaarak Ram ||104||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who restrains all diseases of worldly attachments from His devotees.104
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram,
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram,
Vaikunth-Aalay-Sansthit Ram ||105||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who established Himself in the abode of Vaikunth after His departure.105
Nitya-Aanand-Padasthit Ram ||106||
I take refuge in Shri Ram, Who was established in His divine position of eternal bliss after His departure.106
Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram ||107
Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram ||108
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You King Ram.107
O Ram, Shri Ram, Victory to You Sita Ram.108
Shuddha Brahma Paraatpara Ram:Naam Ramayan
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