brahma ji dwara shri krishna ki stuti

Brahmakrit Shri Krishna Stuti | ब्रह्मा जी के द्वारा भगवान श्रीकृष्ण की स्तुति| ब्रह्मा जी के द्वारा भगवान की स्तुति | श्री कृष्ण द्वारा ब्रह्मा जी का मोह भंग| श्रीमदभागवतम दशम स्कंध-अध्याय 14| Brahma Ji ke dvara Shri Krishn Stuti| Shri Krishn Stuti| Krishna Stuti | Shri Krishna Stuti by Lord Brahma | Shri krishn Stuti in English | Shri Krishn Stuti English Meaning | Shri krishn Stuti English Lyrics | Lord Krishna Stuti by Lord Brahma | ब्रह्मा कृत श्री कृष्ण स्तुति | Lord Krishna Stuti composed by Lord Brahma

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Krishna is enjoyin food in the forest with the cowherd boys. Brahma kidnaps the boys and the calves while Krishna is away in search of some calves. When Krishna returned there was neither the cowherd boys nor the calves. He meditated upon and knew that this was the work of Brahma. Now, Krishna himself became the cowherd boys and calves and all the things the boys carried with them.  This drama went on for quite a few days. When Brahma found two sets of identical cowherd boys and calves, one in his possession and the other with Krishna, he was thoroughly confused. Then suddenly all the cowherd boys and calves appeared to him in the form of Maha Vishnu with four hands carrying the conch, the disc, the mace and the lotus.  He becomes ashamed of what he has done. He praises Krishna and pays obeisance to Him in this stotra.


ब्रह्मा जी के द्वारा भगवान की स्तुति


Lord Brahma worships Lord Krishna


Lord Brahma said 

Naumeedya Te-abhra-vapushe Tadimbaraya


Vanya-shraje kaval-vetra vishaan venu

Lakshm-shriye mridu-pade pashu-paang-jaaya.



नौमीड्य तेऽभ्रवपुषे तडिदम्बराय

गुञ्जावतंसपरिपिच्छलसन्मुखाय ।

वन्यस्रजे कवलवेत्रविषाणवेणु-

लक्ष्मश्रिये मृदुपदे पशुपाङ्गजाय ॥ १ ॥


Lord Brahma said: My dear Lord! You alone are worthy of praise , the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I salute your holy feet. This body of yours is as dark as rainy clouds. The silky yellow garment glimmering like lightening on this body is gleaming. You neck is adorned with garland of gunja , Your ears are adorned with capricious shape coil or earrings and a crown of peacock feathers on Your head.  Due to the radiance of all these , a unique shade of radiance is being sprinkled on your face. A forest garland hanging on your chest and a mouthful of curd and rice on your little palm, cane and singi ( type of musical instrument ) beside you , and a flute that identifies you is being adorned in Your waist. Your beautiful supremely tender lotus like feet and this sweet disguise of a cow grazing boy named Gopal. I don’t know anything else. I am surrendered to your pious feet.1


brahma ji dvara bhagwan ki stuti


Asyaapi dev vapusho madanu-grahasya 

Svechcha mayasya na tu nhoot mayasya ko-api.

Neshe mahi tva vasitum man-saantaren

Saakshaatt-vaiv Kimutaatm sukhaa-nu-bhooteh.2


अस्यापि देव वपुषो मदनुग्रहस्य

स्वेच्छामयस्य न तु भूतमयस्य कोऽपि ।

नेशे महि त्ववसितुं मनसान्तरेण

साक्षात्तवैव किमुतात्मसुखानुभूते: ॥ २ ॥


O self light God ! This shri vigrah or pious form of Yours is the one that fulfills the desires of your devotees. This embodiment of your concious desire is the blessing on me. You have manifested youself in this form only to bless me i.e shower your grace on me. Who says that this form of yours is a creation of five elements? Lord ! This form of yours is aprakrit or unnatural i.e beyond nature and pure sattva. I or anyone else can never come to know about this Sachhidanand vigrah of yours even by doing meditation. Then how can anyone know your own glory as the experience of self-realization even with a concentrated mind.2


Gyaane prayaas samupaadasya namant ev

Jeevanti San-mukh-ritaam bhavdeeya vaartaam.

Sthane sthitaah shrutigataam tanu-vaang-manobhirye

Praayasho-ajit jito-apyasi traistrilokyaam.3


ज्ञाने प्रयासमुदपास्य नमन्त एव

जीवन्ति सन्मुखरितां भवदीयवार्ताम् ।

स्थाने स्थिता: श्रुतिगतां तनुवाङ्‌मनोभिर्ये

प्रायशोऽजित जितोऽप्यसि तैस्त्रिलोक्याम् ॥ ३ ॥


Lord! Those who do satsang or spiritual discourse only by staying in their own place without striving for knowledge and listening to Your pastimes sung by Your beloved saintly men which one gets to hear automatically by being in the company of those people, consume those pastimes , bhajan and sankirtana humbly with body , speech and mind. Even devotees make it their life and cannot live without it for a moment. Lord! Though no one can ever conquer You in Triloki or three worlds , yet they i.e Your pure devotees conquer You. You become subject to His love.3


Shreyah sritim bhakti-mudasya te vibho

klish-yanti ye keval bodh labhdhaye.

tesha-masau kleshal ev shishyate

naanyad yatha sthool tusha-vaghaatinaam.4


श्रेय:सृतिं भक्तिमुदस्य ते विभो

क्लिश्यन्ति ये केवलबोधलब्धये ।

तेषामसौ क्लेशल एव शिष्यते

नान्यद् यथा स्थूलतुषावघातिनाम् ॥ ४ ॥


God! Your devotion is the source of all welfare. Those who give up devotion and work only for the attainment of knowledge , they only suffer pain and suffering, nothing else ,  just like the one who grinds coarse husk gets only labor and not rice.


Pureh bhooman bahvo-api yoginastva

darpiteha nijkarm labdhaya

Vibudhya bhaktyaiv kathopaneetaya

Prapedire-anjo-achyut te gatim paraam .5


पुरेह भूमन् बहवोऽपि योगिन-

स्त्वदर्पितेहा निजकर्मलब्धया ।

विबुध्य भक्त्यैव कथोपनीतया

प्रपेदिरेऽञ्जोऽच्युत ते गतिं पराम् ॥ ५ ॥


O Achyuta! O Eternal! There have been many Yogis in these worlds in the past as well. When they did not get you through yoga, then they surrendered all their worldly and Vedic deeds at your feet. From those dedicated deeds and from your pastimes or lila-stories, they got your devotion. By getting the knowledge of your nature from that devotion, they easily attained your supreme position.5


tathaapi Bhoo-man-mahima-gunasya te


Avikriyaat svaanubhavaad-roopto

Hyananaya-bodhyaatm-taya na chaanyatha.6


तथापि भूमन्महिमागुणस्य ते

विबोद्धुमर्हत्यमलान्तरात्मभि: ।

अविक्रियात् स्वानुभवादरूपतो

ह्यनन्यबोध्यात्मतया न चान्यथा ॥ ६ ॥


O Eternal! Even though the knowledge of both your Sagun ( Lord who has form ) and Nirgun forms ( Lord who is formless ) is difficult. The glory of the Nirgun form can be known through the withdrawal of the senses, that is, by controlling the senses through a pure conscience. Self-realization is achieved by giving up the objects of the senses. This soul is not easily knowable as the body and mind etc. but is just a dissolution of the veil, that is, there is a way to remove the veil of ignorance that has fallen on our knowledge. ‘This is Brahman’, ‘I know Brahman’, thus one does not encounter Brahman, but it is only encountered through the form of light itself.” That is, when knowledge emerges in our inner being, then in the light of that knowledge Brahman self-illuminates.


Gunaat-manaste-api gunaan vimaatum

Hitaa-vateernasya ka eeshire-asya .

Kaalen yairvaa vimitaah sukalpair

Bhoo-paanshavah khe mihika dyubhaasah .7


गुणात्मनस्तेऽपि गुणान् विमातुं

हितावतीर्णस्य क ईशिरेऽस्य ।

कालेन यैर्वा विमिता: सुकल्पै-

र्भूपांशव: खे मिहिका द्युभास: ॥ ७ ॥


But O Lord! Those capable men who have worked hard for many births to count every atom of the earth, the snowflake [dewdrop] of the sky and even the stars and planets that shine in the sky – who can be good enough among them to count the infinite qualities of your sagun form? Lord! You have incarnated only for the welfare of the world.7


Tatte-anukampaam su-sameeksh-maano

Bunjaan evaatm-kritam vipaakam.


Jeevet yo muktipade sa Daayabhaak.8


तत्तेऽनुकम्पां सुसमीक्षमाणो

भुञ्जान एवात्मकृतं विपाकम् ।


जीवेत यो मुक्तिपदे स दायभाक् ॥ ८ ॥


So God! It is very difficult to know your glory. That is why the person who keeps on feeling your grace anxiously from moment to moment, and whatever happiness or sorrow he receives according to destiny, enjoys it with a free heart, and who keeps dedicating himself with loving heart, glad speech and  jovial body at your feet. A man who lives in this way becomes entitled to your supreme position, just as a son of his father’s wealth!”8


brahma ji dwara shri krishna ki stuti


Pashyesh Me-anaaryam anant aadhye

Paraatmani tvayyapi maayimayini.

Maayam vitatyekshitu-maatm-vaibhvam

hyaham Kiya naikshami vaarchiragnau.9


पश्येश मेऽनार्यमनन्त आद्ये

परात्मनि त्वय्यपि मायिमायिनि ।

मायां वितत्येक्षितुमात्मवैभवं

ह्यहं कियानैच्छमिवार्चिरग्नौ ॥ ९ ॥


Lord! Look at my crookedness. You are the Eternal Primordial Supreme Soul and great elusives like me are also in the cycle of your illusion. Still, by spreading my illusion on you, I wanted to see my opulence!” 9


Atah Kshamasva-achyut me rajo-bhuvo



Esho-anu-kampayo mayi naath vaaniti.10


अत: क्षमस्वाच्युत मे रजोभुवो

ह्यजानतस्त्वत्पृथगीशमानिन: ।


एषोऽनुकम्प्यो मयि नाथवानिति ॥ १० ॥


O Lord ! Who am I infront of you? Does a spark matters infront of a fire ? God! I am born out of Rajoguna i.e mode of passion. I do not know your form very well. Because of this, I considered myself to be the lord of the world apart from you. I was getting blinded by the thick darkness of this illusionary illusion that I am the creator of the unborn world . Therefore, considering that I am under your control and I am your servant, please forgive me , forgive my offense.10


Kvaaham Tamo mahad hankh charaagnivaarbhu

Samveshtitaand ghat sapt vitastikaayah.

Kve drig vidha viganitaand paraanu charya

vaataadh varom vivrasya ch te mahatvim.11


क्‍वाहं तमोमहदहंखचराग्निवार्भू-

संवेष्टिताण्डघटसप्तवितस्तिकाय: ।


वाताध्वरोमविवरस्य च ते महित्वम् ॥ ११ ॥


My Lord! This universe surrounded by the veils of nature, mahattattva, ego, sky, air, fire, water and earth is my body and in each of your pores, such innumerable universes keep flying like this, as small atoms of dust are seen flying in the rays of the sun coming from the lattice of windows. Where am I a very small body of three and a half cubits from my size, and where is your eternal glory. 11


Utkshepnam garbh gatasya paadyoh

kim kalpate maatu radhoksh jaagse.

Kimasti-naastivyap desh bhooshitam

Tavasti kuksheh kiyadapya nantah.12


उत्क्षेपणं गर्भगतस्य पादयो:

किं कल्पते मातुरधोक्षजागसे ।


तवास्ति कुक्षे: कियदप्यनन्त: ॥ १२ ॥


God! You are not in the grip of instincts! When the child is in the mother’s womb, he beats his hands and feet out of ignorance; But does the mother consider it a crime or is it a crime for her? ‘ it is’ and ‘it is not’ – Is there anything that is said with these words, which is not inside your womb?12


Jagat Trayaanto dadhi samplavode

Narayansyodar naabhi naalaat.

Vinirgato-ajastviti vaangan vai mrisha 

kintveeshvar tvann vinirgato-asmi.13


जगत् त्रयान्तोदधिसम्प्लवोदे

नारायणस्योदरनाभिनालात् ।

विनिर्गतोऽजस्त्विति वाङ्‍न वै मृषा

किन्‍त्वीश्वर त्वन्न विनिर्गतोऽस्मि ॥ १३ ॥


The Shrutis say that when the three worlds were absorbed in the water of the doomsday, at that time Brahma was born from the navel lotus of Shri Narayan situated in that water. Their saying this cannot be untrue in any way. Then you tell me, Lord! Am I not your son?”॥ 13


Narayanastvam na hi sarv dehinaam-

aatmaasya dheeshaakhil lok saakshi.

Narayano angam nar bhoo jalaayanaat-

tachchaapi satyam n tavaiv maaya. 14


नारायणस्त्वं न हि सर्वदेहिना-

मात्मास्यधीशाखिललोकसाक्षी ।

नारायणोऽङ्गं नरभूजलायना-

त्तच्चापि सत्यं न तवैव माया ॥ १४ ॥


Lord! You are the soul of all living beings. Therefore You are Narayana [nar-jeeva and ayan- shelter].

You are the lord of the whole world and of the living beings, therefore also Narayana [Nar-Jiva and Ayan-Progenitor].

You are the witness of all the worlds, therefore also Narayana [Nar-Jiva and Ayan-Knower].

He who is called Narayan [Nar – water and Ayan – abode] because of living in the waters arising from the male, He is also a part of you.

It is not true even to be seen in a partial form, it is your illusion ( Maya ) only.14


Tachchej jalastham tav saj-jagad-vapuh

Kim me na drishtam bhagvam- stadaiv.

Kim vaa sudrishtam hridi me tadaiv

Kim no sapadhyev punarv- vya-darshi


तच्चेज्जलस्थं तव सज्जगद्वपु:

किं मे न द‍ृष्टं भगवंस्तदैव ।

किं वा सुद‍ृष्टं हृदि मे तदैव

किं नो सपद्येव पुनर्व्यदर्शि ॥ १५ ॥


God! If your colossal form was really in the water at that time, then why did I not see it at that time, while I was searching for it in water for a hundred years by the way of the lotus? Then when I did penance, how did it appear in my heart at the same time? And then why did it not appear again in a few moments, why did it disappear? 15


Atraiv Maya dhaman-avtaare

Hyasya prapanchasya bahih sfutasya.

Kritsnasya chaantar jathre jananya

Maya tvamev prakati kritam te. 16


अत्रैव मायाधमनावतारे

ह्यस्य प्रपञ्चस्य बहि: स्फुटस्य ।

कृत्‍स्‍नस्य चान्तर्जठरे जनन्या

मायात्वमेव प्रकटीकृतं ते ॥ १६ ॥


Lord who destroys Maya! What to talk about distant things – Just now in this incarnation, you have shown this outside world in your abdomen, seeing which Mother Yashoda was astonished.16


Yasya kukshaavidam sarvam

saatm bhaati yatha tatha

Tatvayya peeh tat sarvam

kimid maayaya vinaa.17


यस्य कुक्षाविदं सर्वं सात्मं भाति यथा तथा ।

तत्त्वय्यपीह तत् सर्वं किमिदं मायया विना ॥ १७ ॥


This proves that this whole world is only your Maya i.e illusion and only illusion. When this whole world including you appeared in your abdomen as it appears outside. Then did all this appear in you without your Maya? Surely this is your Leela or pastime.17


Adhyaiv tva-drite-asya kim mam

na te maya-tvama-darshit.

Meko-asi prathamam tato vraj

suhrid vatsaah samastaa-api.

Taavanto-asi chaturbhujaa stad-

khilaih saakam mayo-paasita.

staa-vantyev jagantya bhoo stad

mitam brahmaad vayam shishyate .


अद्यैव त्वद‍ृतेऽस्य किं मम न ते मायात्वमादर्शित-

मेकोऽसि प्रथमं ततो व्रजसुहृद्वत्सा: समस्ता अपि ।

तावन्तोऽसि चतुर्भुजास्तदखिलै: साकं मयोपासिता-

स्तावन्त्येव जगन्त्यभूस्तदमितं ब्रह्माद्वयं शिष्यते ॥ १८ ॥


Let go of that day, take it today. Have You not shown the game of Your illusion to the whole world except Yourself today? You were alone before. Then You were become all the cowherds, calves and sticks and pots. After that I saw that all those forms of yours are quadrilaterals i.e with four arms and all the elements including me are serving them. You had also taken the form of so many different universes, but now you are left only as infinitely unique Brahman.18


Ajaa-nataam tvat-padvi-manaatm

nyaat-maatmana bhaasi vitatya maayaam.

Srishtaa vivaham jagato vidhaan

iv tva mesho ant iv trinetrah.19


अजानतां त्वत्पदवीमनात्म-

न्यात्मात्मना भासि वितत्य मायाम् ।

सृष्टाविवाहं जगतो विधान

इव त्वमेषोऽन्त इव त्रिनेत्र: ॥ १९ ॥


To those who do not know your nature out of ignorance, to them you appear as a living being situated in nature and by putting a veil of your Maya on them, in the form of Me (Brahma) at the time of creation, in your (Vishnu) form at the time of maintenance and at the time of destruction appears in the form of Rudra.19


Suresh vrishish-veesh tathaiv nrishvapi

Tiryakshu Yaadah svapi te-ajanasya.

janma-sataam durmad nigrahaaya

Prabho vidhaatah sad nugrahaaya cha.20


सुरेष्वृषिष्वीश तथैव नृष्वपि

तिर्यक्षु याद:स्वपि तेऽजनस्य ।

जन्मासतां दुर्मदनिग्रहाय

प्रभो विधात: सदनुग्रहाय च ॥ २० ॥


Lord! You are the master and creator of the whole world. Even when you are unborn, you take incarnation in the form of gods, sages, humans, animals, birds and water creatures, so as to break the pride of wicked men through these forms and give grace to the good men. 20


Ko vetti Bhoo man bhagvan paraatman

Yogeshvaro-teer bhavat stri lokyaam.

kva vaa katham vaa kati vaa kadeti

Vistaar yan kreedasi yog mayaam.21


को वेत्ति भूमन् भगवन् परात्मन्

योगेश्वरोतीर्भवतस्त्रिलोक्याम् ।

क्‍व वा कथं वा कति वा कदेति

विस्तारयन्क्रीडसि योगमायाम् ॥ २१ ॥


Lord you are the eternal Supreme Soul and Yogeshwar. At the time when you expand your Yogamaya and start doing Leelas, at that time who is there in Triloki, who can know where, why, when and how much your Leela takes place.21


Tasmaadidam jagad shesham sat svaroopam

svapnaabham stadhishnam puru duhkh duhkham.

tvayyev nitya sukh bodh tanaav-anante

Mayaat udhyadapi yat sa diva vabhaati.22


तस्मादिदं जगदशेषमसत्स्वरूपं

स्वप्नाभमस्तधिषणं पुरुदु:खदु:खम् ।

त्वय्येव नित्यसुखबोधतनावनन्ते

मायात उद्यदपि यत् सदिवावभाति ॥ २२ ॥


That is why this whole world is like a dream, false, ignorant and giving sorrows. You are the embodiment of ecstasy, supreme knowledge and infinite. This world, even though it is born and dissolved from Maya, looks like truth because of your being in it.22


Ekastav maatma purushah puranah

Satyah svayam jyotirnanat aadhyah.

Nityo aksharo ajasra sukho niranjanah

Poornadvayo mukt upaadhito-amritah.23


एकस्त्वमात्मा पुरुष: पुराण:

सत्य: स्वयंज्योतिरनन्त आद्य: ।

नित्योऽक्षरोऽजस्रसुखो निरञ्जन:

पूर्णाद्वयो मुक्त उपाधितोऽमृत: ॥ २३ ॥


Lord! You are the only truth. Because you are the soul of everyone. Being a Purana Purush, you are free from all birth defects. You are the light yourself. That is why country, time and matter – which is denpendent on the light of others – cannot in any way limit you. You are also their original source of light. You are eternal because you are imperishable. Your joy is unbroken and eternal. You neither have any kind of impuritie nor any kind of deficiencies. You are complete, You are one. You are nectar because you are free from all titles.23


Evam vidham tvaam sakalaatmana mapi

Svaatmaan maatmaatmataya vichakshate.

Gurvark labdhop nishat suchakshusha 

Ye te taranteev bhavaa nritaambudhim.24


एवंविधं त्वां सकलात्मनामपि

स्वात्मानमात्मात्मतया विचक्षते ।


ये ते तरन्तीव भवानृताम्बुधिम् ॥ २४ ॥


This form of yours is your own form of all living beings. Those who, having attained the divine vision in the form of Tattv gyaan with the help of the Sun in the form of Guru, and from that point of view, perceive You as their own form, they cross this false world-ocean as if it were false. [Because of the falsity of the world-ocean, crossing it is also from the point of view of thought-state.] 24


Aatmaan mevaatm taya vijaanataam

Tenaiv jaatan nikhilam prapanchitam.

gyaanen bhooyo-api ch tat praleeyate

Rajjvaamaher bhog bhavaa bhavau yatha.



तेनैव जातं निखिलं प्रपञ्चितम् ।

ज्ञानेन भूयोऽपि च तत् प्रलीयते

रज्ज्वामहेर्भोगभवाभवौ यथा ॥ २५ ॥


Those men who do not know the Supreme Soul in the form of a soul, they get the illusion of the origin of this name morphological whole illusory creation or mundane affairs because of that ignorance , that is, the illusion of the origin of this world-like form. But as soon as knowledge is attained, it becomes a total catastrophe, that is, this illusion comes to an end. Just as a snake appears in a rope only due to illusion, that is, due to confusion, the rope looks like a snake and as soon as the illusion is retired, it is retired, that is, as soon as the illusion is removed, it starts again as a rope.25


Agyaan sangyau bhav bandh moksahu

Dvau naam naanyau sta ritagya bhaavaat.

Ajasra chityaatmani kevale pare

Vichaaryamaane taranaa vivaahani.26


अज्ञानसंज्ञौ भवबन्धमोक्षौ

द्वौ नाम नान्यौ स्त ऋतज्ञभावात् ।

अजस्रचित्यात्मनि केवले परे

विचार्यमाणे तरणाविवाहनी ॥ २६ ॥


The bondage of the world and salvation from that bondage – both these names are conceived from ignorance. In fact, these are just two names of ignorance. They do not exist apart from God in the form of truth and knowledge. Just as there is no difference between day and night in the sun, similarly there is neither bondage nor salvation in the pure Atma-tattva in the form of an unbroken mind.


Tvaamaatmaanam param

matva parmaatmaan mev cha.

Aatma punar bahirmrigya

aho-agya jantaagyata.27


त्वामात्मानं परं मत्वा परमात्मानमेव च ।
आत्मा पुनर्बहिर्मृग्य अहोऽज्ञजनताज्ञता ॥ २७ ॥


God! How surprising it is that You are our soulmate, but people consider You a stranger and the body etc. are foreigners, but they consider them to be their souls and start thinking of them as their own and after that they start looking for You somewhere different. Well, how great is this ignorance of ignorant creatures. 27


Antar bhave-anant bhavant mev

Hya tattya janto mrigyanti santah.

Asant mapyantyahi mantaren Santam

gunam tam kimu yanti santah .28


अन्तर्भवेऽनन्त भवन्तमेव
ह्यतत्त्यजन्तो मृगयन्ति सन्त: ।
सन्तं गुणं तं किमु यन्ति सन्त: ॥ २८ ॥


O Eternal! You are seated in everyone’s conscience. That’s why saints look for You within themselves, renouncing whatever seems to be other than You because although there is no snake in the rope, Still, how can a true person know the true rope without making that seeming snake a falsity, that is, without proving that snake a lie that seems to be true ?  The Lord Himself who sparks in the hearts of His devotees! Such is the nature and glory of Your knowledge that it destroys the imagined world of ignorance. 28

Athaapi te dev padaambuj dvaya

Prasaad leshaanu graheet ev hi

Jaanaati tattvam bhagvaan mahimno

Na chaanya eko-api chiram vichinvan.29


अथापि ते देव पदाम्बुजद्वय-
प्रसादलेशानुगृहीत एव हि ।
जानाति तत्त्वं भगवन् महिम्नो
न चान्य एकोऽपि चिरं विचिन्वन् ॥ २९ ॥


Still, the man who receives the slightest grace offering of your lotus feet, becomes gratified by it – only he can know the essence of Your true blissful glory. No matter how much research he does for a long time as a means of knowledge and dispassion, he cannot get accurate knowledge of your glory.29


Tadastu me nath sa bhoori bhaago

Bhave-atra vaanyatra tu vaa tirashaam.

Yenaah-meko-api bhavajjnaanaam

Bhootva nisheve tav paad pallavam.30


तदस्तु मे नाथ स भूरिभागो

भवेऽत्र वान्यत्र तु वा तिरश्चाम् ।

येनाहमेकोऽपि भवज्जनानां

भूत्वा निषेवे तव पादपल्लवम् ॥ ३० ॥


That’s why O God! May I get such good fortune in this birth, in the second birth or even in the birth of any animal, bird etc. that I may become one of your slaves and then serve your lotus feet. 30


Aho-ati-dhanya vraj gor manyah

Stanyaa mritam peet mateev te muda.

Yaasaam vibho vats taraatm jaatmaatna

Yattript ye-adhyaapi n chaal madhvaraah.31


अहोऽतिधन्या व्रजगोरमण्य:

स्तन्यामृतं पीतमतीव ते मुदा ।

यासां विभो वत्सतरात्मजात्मना

यत्तृप्तयेऽद्यापि न चालमध्वरा: ॥ ३१ ॥


My Lord! The great sacrifices ( Yajnas ) of the world from the beginning of creation till now have not been able to satisfy you completely. But you have drank the nectar-like milk of their breasts with great enthusiasm, becoming the calf of the cows and children of Gopis of Braj. In fact, their life is successful, they are very blessed. 31


Aho bhagya maho bhagyam

nand gop vrajauksaam

Yanmitram parmanandam

poornam brahm sanaatnam.32


अहो भाग्यमहो भाग्यं नन्दगोपव्रजौकसाम् ।

यन्मित्रं परमानन्दं पूर्णं ब्रह्म सनातनम् ॥ ३२ ॥


O Lord ! Nand and all other Brajvasis are the blessed. They are really lucky because the Eternal Perfect Brahman in the form of Bliss i.e You are their own relative and dear one.32


Eshaam tu bhagya mahima-achyut taav-daasta

Meka-dashaiv hi vayam bat bhoori bhaagaah.

Etad dhrisheek chash kair sakrit pibaamah

Sharvaadayo-anghra-yudaj-madhv-mritasavam te .33 


एषां तु भाग्यमहिमाच्युत तावदास्ता-

मेकादशैव हि वयं बत भूरिभागा: ।

एतद्‌धृषीकचषकैरसकृत् पिबाम:

शर्वादयोऽङ्‌घ्य्रुदजमध्वमृतासवं ते ॥ ३३ ॥


O Achyuta! The glory of the good fortune of these Brajwasis is different. Mahadev, who resides as the presiding deities of the eleven senses like mind etc., we are very fortunate. Because by making the mind and eleven senses of these Brajwasis as cups, we keep drinking the sweeter than nectar, intoxicating than wine, sweeter nectar juice from your lotus feet. When we are feeling extremely blessed by drinking this nectar with every sense, then what about the people of Braj who consume it with all the senses? 33


Tad bhoori bhagya mih janm kimapya tavyaam

Yad gokule-api kat maangi ghrir jo-abhishekam.

Yajjivitam tu nikhilam bhagvaan mukund

stavdhyaapi yatpad rajah shruti mrisgya mev .34


तद् भूरिभाग्यमिह जन्म किमप्यटव्यां

यद् गोकुलेऽपि कतमाङ्‍घ्रिरजोऽभिषेकम् ।

यज्जीवितं तु निखिलं भगवान् मुकुन्द-

स्त्वद्यापि यत्पदरज: श्रुतिमृग्यमेव ॥ ३४ ॥


Lord! The whole life of your beloved Brajwasis’ is your life. You are the only thing in their life. It will be a matter of great fortune for us if we are born in any forest of this Braj and especially in Gokul in any species! Because if one is born here, the dust of the feet of one or the other lover will fall on him or her. To get the dust of their feet is to get the dust of Your own feet and even Shrutis are searching for the dust of Your feet from time immemorial till now.


Eshaam ghosh nivaasinamut

bhavaan kim dev raateti.

nashcheto vishv falaat falam

tvad param kutrapyayan muhyati.

Sadveshadiv pootnaapi

sakula tvaamev devapita

Yaddhamaarth suhrit priyaatm

tanay praana shayaas tvatkrite.35


एषां घोषनिवासिनामुत भवान् किं देव रातेति न-

श्चेतो विश्वफलात् फलं त्वदपरं कुत्राप्ययन् मुह्यति ।

सद्वेषादिव पूतनापि सकुला त्वामेव देवापिता

यद्धामार्थसुहृत्प्रियात्मतनयप्राणाशयास्त्वत्कृते ॥ ३५ ॥


O adored Lord of the gods! What reward will You give to these Brajwasis in return for their service? As a result of all the fruits! My mind is fascinated by the thought that there is no other fruit than You. You cannot repay them even by giving them Your form because your form was acquired by that Putna along with her relatives – Aghasur, Bakasura etc., whose only disguise was that of a Sadhvi woman, but who was very cruel at heart. Then, one who has surrendered his/her house, wealth, relatives, beloved, body, son, life and mind – everything at your feet, whose everything is only for You, how can You repay those Brajwasis by giving the same result?


Taavad raagaadayah stenaa

staavat kaaragraham graham.


yaavat krishn n te janaah.36


तावद् रागादय: स्तेनास्तावत् कारागृहं गृहम् ।

तावन्मोहोऽङ्‍घ्रिनिगडो यावत् कृष्ण न ते जना: ॥ ३६ ॥


Oh Shyamsundar in the form of true grace! till then, the vices of attachment, hatred etc. keep capturingus like thieves, till then the house and our relatives keep us in the bonds of relationship like imprisonment, and till then attachment keeps us like fetters lying on our feet – until life or soul or living being becomes Yours.36


Prapancham nishprapancho-

api vidambyasi bhootale

Prapann janta nand sandoham

prathitum prabho.37


प्रपञ्चं निष्प्रपञ्चोऽपि विडम्बयसि भूतले ।

प्रपन्नजनतानन्दसन्दोहं प्रथितुं प्रभो ॥ ३७ ॥


Lord! You are completely devoid of the world’s ruckus and mundane affairs , yet in order to distribute eternal bliss to the devotees who take refuge in You , You incarnate on the earth and spread the luxurious pastimes as world.37


Jaanant ev jaanatu kim

bahooktya na me prabho

Manso vapusho vaacho

vaibhvam tav gocharah.38


जानन्त एव जानन्तु किं बहूक्त्या न मे प्रभो ।

मनसो वपुषो वाचो वैभवं तव गोचर: ॥ ३८ ॥


My Lord! Needless to say much – those who know your glory, let them know; My mind, speech and body are totally incapable of knowing your glory. 38


Anu jaaneehi maam krishn

sarvam tvam vetsi sarvdrik.

Tvamev jagtaam naatho’

jagdetatt vaarpiam.39


अनुजानीहि मां कृष्ण सर्वं त्वं वेत्सि सर्वद‍ृक् ।

त्वमेव जगतां नाथो जगदेतत्तवार्पितम् ॥ ३९ ॥


Sri Krishna in the form of truthfulness! You are witness of all. That’s why You know everything. You are the lord of the whole world. This whole universe is situated in You. What else can I say to You? Now You accept me. Allow me to go to my world. Shyamsundar, who has attracted everyone’s mind and life with his pleasant form! You are the sun that grew the lotus like Yadu clan. 39


Shri Krishn vrishni kul pushkar josh daayin

kshama nirjar dvij pashoo dadhi vriddhi kaarin

Uddharm shaarvar har kshiti raakshas dhrugaa

Kalp maark marhan bhagvann maste.40


श्रीकृष्ण वृष्णिकुलपुष्करजोषदायिन्

क्ष्मानिर्जरद्विजपशूदधिवृद्धिकारिन् ।

उद्धर्मशार्वरहर क्षितिराक्षसध्रु-

गाकल्पमार्कमर्हन् भगवन्नमस्ते ॥ ४० ॥


Lord! You are also the moon who grows the earth, the gods, the brahmins and the animal-like ocean. You are like both the sun and the moon to destroy the dark darkness of the righteous night of the hypocrites. You are the one who destroy the demons living on the earth, You are the most revered of all the gods like moon, sun etc. God! I will keep on saluting You throughout my life, till the great cycle. 40




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