Achyutaya namah Anantaya namah Govindaya namah 

Achyutaya namah Anantaya namah Govindaya namah | Vishnu mantra to cure diseases | healing mantra 

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Achyutaya namah Anantaya namah Govindaya namah 



Healing Mantra


Although this is a healing mantra, when we go to the depths of its meaning it is also a mantra for liberation.


Om Achyutaya Namah

Om Anantaya Namaha

Om Govindaya Namaha


or you can also chant as


Achyutaya Namah

Anantaya Namaha

Govindaya Namaha


or you can just chant 3 names of Lord Vishnu







The whole world is suffering from spiritual, physical and spiritual diseases. Sometimes the disease does not go away even after taking all types of medicines, even doctors are not able to identify the disease. In such a situation, chanting God’s name is the chemical (medicine) that destroys the physical and mental diseases of a person.


Just as God has infinite miracles, infinite powers; Similarly, their names are filled with infinite powers and are magic boxes which not only eradicate worldly diseases but also eradicate the dreadful earthly diseases.



Lord Dhanvantari appeared from the churning of the ocean. He told the gods and sages about medicines, disease diagnosis and treatment etc. Describing about the Mahaushadhi (the greatest medicine) which works equally and successfully on all diseases, he said-


ॐ अच्युतानंद गोविंद नामोच्चारणभेषजात।

नश्यन्ति सकलारोगा: सत्यं सत्यं वदाम्यहम्।


Oṃ Achyutānaṇta goviṇda nāmo chchāraṇa bheṣa jāta

Naśyaṇti sakalā rogā satyaṃ satyaṃ vadāmyaham


“The names Achyuta, Ananata, and Govinda act as the best medicine. They destroy all diseases for those who repeat them. This is an established truth that I am repeating.”


Achyutaya namah Anantaya namah Govindaya namah powerful vishnu healing mantra benefits


These names of Lord Vishnu can be chanted all the time while getting up, sitting, walking, sleeping or waking up –


One gets relief from all types of diseases and physical and mental sufferings. By chanting these names one gets success in work.


Just as incurable diseases can be cured only by Sanjivani herb, similarly physical and mental diseases can be cured by worshiping and chanting the name of God. Vedvyasji has said – ‘Meditation, worship and chanting of Lord Vishnu is the best medicine for all diseases.’ How are diseases cured by remembering God’s name? 


The Agni Purana mentions this powerful mantra which is supposed to be an effective cure for all diseases. The God of Fire, Agni gives an assurance that when this mantra is chanted with faith and devotion, one can overcome all diseases, infection and suffering. Say this mantra while taking your medicines, you will see positive result soon. This is a very powerful mantra. According to the Agni Purana, chanting this mantra with faith and devotion can help overcome all diseases, infections, and suffering. This mantra can protect from negative energy and evil. This mantra can bring inner peace and positive energy.


The answer to this lies in the principle of karma. According to the scriptures, according to the auspicious and inauspicious deeds of our previous birth, we get happiness-sorrow, restriction-sorrow and poverty etc. in life.


Goswami Tulsidasji has said-

करम प्रधान बिस्व करि राखा। जो जस करइ सो तस फलु चाखा।।


Whatever diseases occur in our body, they are caused by the sins committed in our previous birth or in this birth. By chanting the name of God, sins start getting destroyed and due to this the diseases caused by sin also start getting cured. Medicines work only nominally in eradicating the disease caused by destiny. Basically, as soon as the destiny ends, the disease also disappears.


There is no disease in the world which cannot be cured when the destiny-karma is destroyed. That is why in the scriptures it is said to chant the name of God daily.


With strong faith, devotion, true love for God and a feeling of being a believer, God definitely relieves the suffering of His devotees. By leaving everything to God, man becomes carefree and all his troubles come to an end. it’s just a matter of believing.


Achyuta, Ananta, Govinda… These are three names of Vishnu, which are key to the healing process. Vishnu is never removed from his inherent qualities. They never change, but remain steady and constant, no ups and downs. Such a one is always established in one’s true self.


Lord Vishnu is responsible for vast functions and actions like creating, preserving, destroying, yet within himself is the state of being that has zero fluctuations. A state of absolute truth that always remains fixed and constant.


This mantra helps us to become steady in the experience of the Absolute, so that it is not the body nor the mind but the spirit which is constantly our domain.


Achyuta means one who is constant, the unchanging truth that establishes a state of constancy.

Ananta means one who is limitless and boundless.

Govinda means Vishnu as Shri Krishna and indicates the state of knowing the true self—I am consciousness. I am truth. I am bliss.


The deepest part of the healing that this mantra brings as we repeat it are all these qualities. At the subtle level, you are being reminded that you are infinite. You are boundless. At this higher level of spirituality these three names are indicating the Absolute state of consciousness.


So this is what the mantra is doing as part of the healing process. It’s not just for healing whatever we’re going through in the body and mind but is for true healing— understanding and experiencing who we are. The absolute form of God is bliss, nothing but bliss, so that is what we need to experience. By repeating the mantra we are awakening the soul, the jiva part, to again reach that state. This is our spiritual evolution.




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